Fuller of Grace and Truth
"And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us; and we saw His glory, glory as of the only Son from the Father, full of grace and truth" (John 1:14).

Thank you for joining me at Fuller of Grace and Truth. My name is Bill Fuller, and I will be your guide into the Heart of God's Word, Presence, and Spirit. This site is all about God the Father drawing you to Jesus. Jesus setting you free from sin and death and God the Holy Spirit giving you guidance and comfort on your walk of sanctification (becoming more like Jesus).
Featured Blog
Escaping God's Imminent Wrath

Blog Description
First of all, it is URGENT! To the point of saving your life and determining your eternal destination. Urgent, so that you understand, respond, and participate in the 5 Ways Jesus Rescues You from God’s Wrath! URGENT, in that God’s wrath is real and is coming soon upon those who reject His way, His truth, and His life Jesus. If you don't know Jesus, you are already under God's Wrath!
Featured Online Course
God's Intimacy Prayer
Restoration in God's Presence

Course Description
God's Intimacy Prayer is all about practicing the presence of the Holy Trinity. This is the ultimate Christian online course on learning how to be intimate with God, not just knowing about Him, but experiencing Him in a way where He influences your heart, your marriage, family, church, and world. This will take you on a journey of sanctification from grace to grace, faith to faith, and glory to glory. Let's partake together in how to be transformed in the image of Christ. ​
The Power of Story
Every Human Being Has a Unique Story
But a Christian has a Smaller Story in God's Bigger Story

The Greatest Story Ever Told
Hi, my name is Yeshua Hamashiach, Bill is a friend of mine, he's one of my kids, and he asked me to tell you, my story. My earthly story all started at the beginning of creation. My Father the Holy Spirit and I created the heavens, universe, earth, and humankind as you know it. It was very good. We knew that Adam would be deceived by one of My fallen angels, Satan, and through his disobedience and pride sin would come into the world.
This is when My story gets really good. Before time began, we the Godhead decided that I would come out of heaven to earth and save our fallen creation. So, I did. We knew that we were giving evil an opportunity when we decided to give our children free will. We wanted worship to be willing and not forced. Our remedy to sin and spiritual death was Me. So, I became Emmanual, God with us.
I lived among My people for 33 years as fully God and fully man. I lived a perfect life without sin. This was necessary so I could be a blood sacrifice to save everyone who believes in Me by faith. I voluntarily went to My death so that the sins of all mankind could be forgiven. I died on a cross, was buried, and rose to life on the third day. My resurrection gave those who believe eternal life. I would then spend 40 days revealing Myself to 500 of my followers. Then I ascended back into heaven.
You might ask why would I leave Heaven and come to Earth? Because I love you and died for you so that you could live with Me forever. I created you for eternal fellowship. I sent you the Holy Spirit to guide you on your journey on this earth. I now sit at the right hand of the Father and intercede for you. I want to remind you that I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, I was, and am, and always will be. I AM God Almighty! Thank you, Bill, for asking Me to remind My creation of My story. I encourage you to read the Bible if you want more and learn how your story can become part of My Story.
Jesus Christ
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