Fuller of Grace and Truth
Our Story

Christian Formation and Soul Care Director
BILL FULLER has over 33 years of experience as a Spiritual Formation Director, Pastoral Counselor; and an Associate, Small Groups, and Home Church Under-Sheperd. Of course, Jesus is the Shepherd. He holds a B.A. in Christian Leadership and Theology from Colorado Christian University and graduated with a Master’s degree in Christian Formation and Soul Care at Denver Seminary. Bill is the author and curriculum writer of It Is Finished—Resting in the Grace of God, God’s Intimacy Prayer—Restoration in God’s Presence, Spirituality and Sexuality—Re-capturing Wholeness and Purity from Addiction, and Seven Christian Disciplines to Experience God. Bill has been counseling and ministering with his wife Janean for the past 18 years. He is the co-founder of New Covenant GraceLife Ministries. His website is www.fullerofgraceandtruth.com.

Clinical Christian Sex Therapist
JANEAN FULLER has 34 years of experience in counseling, marriages, families, singles, and survivors of sexual abuse. She received a Master’s degree in Biblical Counseling from Colorado Christian University. She completed five advanced-level, post-graduate courses (150 classroom hours) in Human Sexuality from a Christian perspective. She is a Christian Clinical Sex Therapist. Janean has been a national Single Parent Trainer for Crown Financial Ministries. She is the author of several published magazine articles and radio commentaries for Focus on the Family and other Christian publications. She is the author of the Divine Desire treatment protocols and online courses on our Thinkific platform. Janean has been counseling and ministering with her husband Bill, as the Christian Intimacy Experts for the past 18 years. She is the co-founder of New Covenant GraceLife Ministries. Her website is www.christianintimacyexperts.com.

Dedication. LOVE. Passion.