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7-Day Challenge to Defeat Addictions

Writer's picture: Bill Fuller Bill Fuller

Updated: May 24, 2024

Do you have 7 Days where you will commit to Jesus and allow His love, power, and divine weapons to give you victory, a victory that you already obtained as God's free gift?

7-Day Challenge to Break Any Addiction!

Can You Run to God for the Next 7 Days?


Do you have 7 Days where you will commit to Jesus and allow His love, power, and divine weapons to give you victory, a victory that you already obtained as God's free gift? But obviously, you don’t know how to appropriate this powerful gift. Give Jesus 7 days, and He will bless you beyond what you could ever imagine! These 5 Biblical Truths will take you out of your addiction to the foot of the cross and into an intimate encounter with Jesus Christ. According to the Scriptures, Jesus is the only way to defeat temptation and the ensuing flesh response of addiction.


The Five Truths Are

One: Run to God and Focus on Him the Exact Moment You’re Being Tempted

Two: Believe the Truth

Three: Jesus is Your Example

Four: Focus on God in the Moment of Temptation

Five: Take Every Thought Captive to Obedience of Christ at the Moment of Temptation


This 7-Day Addiction Challenge will change your life. Believe it or not, your addiction depends on whom you focus on NOT how you behave. Who or what you focus on determines how you behave. You either run to God, or you run to yourself, pain, or circumstances which automatically leads to addiction or pleasure. In the next 7 days, God will ignite, magnify, and jumpstart the transformation process. It will set up and reboot an appropriate Christian response to temptations. The decision is yours and yours alone. Freedom from addiction is right before you. It's your choice!


Evil—> Temptation—> One of Two Responses—> Focus on Self, Pain, Circumstances, Being Offended —> Flesh Response—> Addiction


Evil—> Temptation—> One of Two Responses—> Focus on God—> Spirit Response—> Spirit Leads to a Way of Escape—> Freedom from Addiction




Addiction is a complex and debilitating condition characterized by a compulsive and uncontrollable desire to engage in a particular behavior or substance despite adverse consequences. It profoundly impacts an individual’s physical, psychological, spiritual, social, and emotional well-being. The allure of any addiction lies in the temporary pleasure or relief it provides. In most cases, it denies God’s sovereignty and a proclivity for self-indulgence and control. Therefore, this self-focus creates a powerful cycle of craving, consumption, and withdrawal, weakening you to a vulnerability to temptation and the Devil’s schemes.

Demonic Temptation

Every human being is tempted by the evil ones or demons. Temptation is an enticement to live out of your carnal and fleshly desires. There are only two ways to respond to temptation. One, Focus on God, acknowledge that you are being tempted, no denial or pretending, then turn to the love and power of Jesus. Two, Focus on Self, circumstances, pain, offenses, which ignites a flesh response that gives into the temptation and the sin addiction,


Evil is everywhere. It permeates every aspect of your personal life and society. But there is a way to overcome evil, and his name is Jesus. This challenge will teach you how to run to Jesus. Temptation is the tool by which evil encourages and deceives you to succumb to your own carnal desires, addictions, idolatries, and pleasures. It conflicts the Christian to tempt between good and evil and reinforces the unbeliever to pursue whatever they want or think. Temptation is not a sin but leads to sin and, eventually, death. The world, the flesh, and the Devil are the primary tools (sources) that tempt you.

The Critical Truth


The Critical Truth is living in the present moment! You immediately take it to God. So how do you live in the moment? You focus all your intentions on God. God does not call us to fix the past or manage the future. God lives in the moment! Yes, He is God of the past, but He doesn’t ask you to live, fix, or focus on the past. Indeed, He is the God of the future, but He doesn't ask you to manage life now to manipulate the future. When the world, flesh, or Devil tempts you. God asks you to focus and run to Him in the moment of temptation. 

I Pray and Nothing Changes


I know what you'll say, "I Pray, and nothing happens."  Do you pray, help me with my addictions, and nothing happens? Your prayers are likely not in the moment of temptation. The prayer comes after giving into temptation or praying for victory in the future after you sinned. We know God heals your past wounds and paves the way for future freedom. But He only helps you with temptation when you resist, submit, and act on His Word, Truth, and Spirit living in and through you at that exact moment.


This challenge is based on my blog post, “You Need to Know How 5 Powerful Truths Defeat Temptation.”

The Challenge


Day 1- Read the entire blog 3 times: Pray and ask God to help you acknowledge your addiction and reinforce He is the only answer. Write it in your journal.


  1. Run to God and focus on Him the exact moment you’re being tempted.

    1. Run to God, the spring of living waters.

    2. Acknowledge your coping mechanisms.

    3. Your decision happens at the moment you’re tempted. 

  2. Believe the truth!

    1. Jesus was tempted in every way but without sin.

    2. God does not tempt you. You are tempted by the world, the flesh, and the Devil.

    3. Focusing on temptation rather than God leads you into sin.

    4. Your thoughts become lustful and turn into behaviors.

    5. Your thoughts and behaviors acted out become sin.

    6. Unrepentant sin becomes a demonic stronghold and may eventually lead to physical death. 

  3. Focus on God in the moment of temptation.

    1. Humbly submit to God, and He will draw near.

    2. Resist the Devil, and he must flee.

    3. You are not tempted beyond what you can handle.

    4. God is always faithful.

    5. God always provides a way of escape—Jesus! 

    6. Jesus is our mighty and powerful weapon!

  4. Jesus is your example!

    1. Acknowledge the temptation at the moment.

    2. Be intimately acquainted with God and His Word.

    3. Reject the lie of the enemy; accept the truth.

  5. Take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ during the moment of temptation.

    1. You take every loose thought, emotion, sexual desire, and impulse captive to Christ by running to Jesus.

    2. Simply focus on and agree with Jesus.

    3. This type of thinking allows your actions and life to be structured and shaped by Christ.

    4. Responding and using God’s way of escape clears away every temptation or obstruction to living life fully as God intended.


Day 2 – Read 3 times the section called Run to God and focus on Him the exact moment you’re being tempted.” Ask God what He would like to say to you. Write it down in your journal.


Day 3 – Read 3 times the section calledBelieve the truth!” Ask God what He would like to say to you. Write it down in your journal.


Day 4 - Read 3 times the section called Focus on God in the moment of temptation.” Ask God what He would like to say to you. Write it down in your journal.


Day 5 - Read 3 times the section called Jesus is your example!” Ask God what He would like to say to you. Write it down in your journal.


Day 6 - Read 3 times the section calledTake every thought captive to the obedience of Christ during the moment of temptation.Ask God what He would like to say to you. Write it down in your journal.


Day 7 – Put it all together and memorize the “Godly Response to Temptation Cycle.” If you fall into temptation and sin, follow the “Confession Cycle.” This is how you will handle temptation for the rest of your life. 





Acknowledge you’re being tempted—> Choose to Focus on God—> Resist the Devil and Submit to God—> Tell the enemy to leave—> Ask Jesus for His way of escape—> Thank Jesus for giving you His strength and direction—> Expect the Holy Spirit to Lead and Empower you—> Respond in the Spirit—> Walk by faith until the next time you are tempted—> Repeat the Godly Response to Temptation Cycle.





Acknowledge your Sin—> Confess and Repent of your sin—> Ask God to cleanse you—> Thank God you are forgiven past, present, and future—> Receive Forgiveness—> Ask God for His Strength—> Go back and follow the Godly Response to Temptation Cycle the next time you are tempted.



Detailed Blog Post On: Temptation



This is the ultimate Christian online course on learning how to be intimate with God, not just knowing about Him, but to experience Him so He influences your heart, your marriage, family, church, and world.


This is the ultimate Christian online course on learning how to be intimate with God, not just knowing about Him, but to experience Him so He influences your heart, your marriage, family, church, and world.


This is a detailed discussion on who Jesus is and how you get saved!


We All Have the Same Dilemma, We're Dead in Sin

Every human being, ethnic group, race, or gender finds themselves in this same dilemma. Therefore, there are three questions you would be wise to ask yourself and extremely prudent to answer.

  1. One, why do I need to be saved?

  2. Two, what does it mean for me to be saved?

  3. Three, how am I saved?

I believe Only Jesus plus nothing not only saves you but answers these three questions.




Fuller of Grace and Truth                                                           Only Jesus Saves You
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