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  • Writer's pictureBill Fuller

Who Is Evil? Hamas, Wokeism, or Israel?

Updated: May 25

Today, all across the world Truth is under attack. We live in a time that tends to shrug its shoulders when confronted with the truth. The 21st-century postmodern man says, “Nothing is true,” or perhaps, “There is truth, but we cannot know it.” “I have my truth, and you have your truth.” “There is no absolute truth; everything is relevant.” We’ve grown accustomed to being lied to, accused of being intolerant, and harassed to the point of death. They either say, “There is no God,” or “We are all gods with a divine nature.” Many people seem comfortable with the false notion that the Bible can be interpreted by their own personal truth, whims, culture, and moral preferences.

Our confidence is in God the Holy Spirit, not our own good intentions, education, or intellect. The same Holy Spirit that lives in every born-again believer wrote the Bible, so we can rest assured that He can and will help us interpret the Scriptures.

"But when He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all the truth; for He will not speak on His own, but whatever He hears, He will speak; and He will disclose to you what is to come. He will glorify Me, for He will take from Mine and will disclose it to you” (John 16:13-14).

Even Jesus had many things to say about the truth in the last days. He warned His followers to recognize deceptions through false teachers and doctrines. The Apostle Paul would call them Doctrines of Demons and deceitful spirits.

"As He was sitting on the Mount of Olives, the disciples came to Him privately, saying, tell us, when will these things happen, and what will be the sign of Your coming, and of the end of the age? And Jesus answered and said to them, “See to it that no one misleads you. For many will come in My name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and will mislead many" Many false prophets will arise and will mislead many" (Matthew 24:3-5, 11).
"But the (Holy) Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron" (1 Timothy 4:1-2).
"Jesus said to him, “I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me" (John 14:6).

Satan hates Jesus and hates "God's Chosen People" the Jews. Remember Jesus was a Jew and the Messiah of the Jewish people. He was also fully God and fully man when He came to earth from Heaven.

God's Chosen People the Jews

One of the great miracles of God is the survival of the Jews. As you can see there are 460 million Arabs on planet earth as opposed to 17 million Jews. One reason, there are fewer Jews is that the religion of Islam calls for Jihad where if you don't convert to Islam Allah demands that you kill the infidel. How have the Jews survived? The answer is SUPERNATURALLY. Let's look at how God views the Jewish people.

Apple of His Eye

Zechariah 2:8

"For thus says the Lord of hosts, “After glory He has sent me against the nations which plunder you, for he who touches you, touches the apple of His eye."

Israel is Precious, Honored, and Loved by God loves

Isaiah 43:4

“Since you are precious in My sight, since you are honored and I love you, I will give other men in your place and other peoples in exchange for your life."

My People Forever

2 Samuel 7:24

"For You have established for Yourself Your people Israel as Your own people forever, and You, O Lord, have become their God."

As Forever as God's Word

Jeremiah 31:36

“If this fixed order (Word)departs from before Me,” declares the Lord, “Then the offspring of Israel also will cease from being a nation before Me forever.”

I Am with You to Save You

Jeremiah 30:11

‘For I am with you,’ declares the Lord, ‘to save you;

For I will destroy completely all the nations where I have scattered you, Only I will not destroy you completely. But I will chasten you justly and will by no means leave you unpunished."

He Never Sleeps

Psalm 121:4

"Behold, He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep."

Engraved in His Hand

Isaiah 49:16

"Behold, I have inscribed you on the palms of My Hands;

Your walls are continually before Me."

God Fights FOR Israel

“In that day I will make the clans of Judah like a firepot among pieces of wood and a flaming torch among sheaves, so they will consume on the right hand and on the left all the surrounding peoples, while the inhabitants of Jerusalem again dwell on their own sites in Jerusalem. In that day the Lord will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and the one who is feeble among them in that day will be like David, and the house of David will be like God, like the angel of the Lord before them" (Zechariah 12:6, 8)

This can be illustrated in two famous cartoons.

God's Finger Is On Israel

God's Hand Is Over Israel

God's hand and finger over Israel is not because they are good, or better than other nations, it is because God promised that He would deliver them from sin and death. At this time and ever since the 1st century he has put a veil over their eyes, hearts and minds. They are a hard-hearted people who killed their own Messiah. Approximately 88% of Israel is secular comprising of atheists and agnostics. 10% are practicing Jews and 2% are Christians. God will keep His promises and 1/3 of the Jewish people will be saved by Jesus at the end of the seven-year tribulation. This is a period where God just before it begins God catches up or raptures His believing, Church. The tribulation is God's wrath on unbelieving gentiles and Jews. Also, it is where Jesus rescues His faithful remnant, where they say, "blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord." This will happen at Jesus' second coming. This is when Jesus comes back to earth and destroys all rebellious unbelievers and Satan. Then He will set up His 1,000-year millennium called the Kingdom Age. This is when all of God's promises to the Jewish people will be fulfilled.

Satan Hates the Jews

Satan, or the Devil, is a liar. It is his nature to lie. In fact, he cannot tell the truth! He is evil through and through. He hates God because, in his vanity and pride, he wanted to be God. In his rebellion, he was cast to the earth, where because of sin and death he holds the title deed to this earth until Jesus returns. This makes him the god of this world. He also hates and wants to annihilate God's chosen people, first the Jews and then the Christians. Therefore, he is a liar and a murderer.

"You are of your father the devil, and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth because there is no truth in him. Whenever he speaks a lie, he speaks from his own nature, for he is a liar and the father of lies" (John 8:44).

Why does Satan hate the Jews and the nation of Israel? The following are 5 reasons why Satan hates the Jews.

  1. God chose the Jewish people as His witnesses to the entire world. They testify to God's existence and the veracity of His promises.

  2. Through the Jewish people God gave the Holy Scriptures, God's revealed Word.

  3. God gave His light the Messiah, Jesus Christ, through the Jewish bloodline.

  4. God has promised to save a great remnant of the Jewish people in the end times.

  5. Through that faithful remnant, Jesus will reign over all the nations of the earth during the Kingdom age.

Therefore, Satan wants to eliminate the Jewish race off the face of the earth. He knows the only way God cannot fulfill his promises to the Jews is for them not to exist.

We’re seeing biblical prophecy unfold before our eyes. The world wants to destroy this tiny nation of Israel. The spirits behind them are demonic.  They don't make sense. They're not just. They're not fair. They're not rational. They hate and want destruction, more than anything they want to destroy the Jewish people. They want to destroy the nation of Israel. Why? It’s a spiritual battle and only the Bible explains it. The Bible says that at the “End of the Age” all Nations will come against Israel.

"Thus declares the Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth; and forms the spirit of man within him, “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:1-3).

Unfortunately, this includes America. Therefore, all of these haters are pawns of the Devil.

Satan Has Support from a Fleshly, Secular, Religious World

Satan is not alone in his hatred of the Jewish people. In this post, we will address 3 major groups that are demonstrating hatred, anti-semitic beliefs and actions. The three groups we will discuss are:

Thus declares the Lord who stretches out the heavens, lays the foundation of the earth; and forms the spirit of man within him, “Behold, I am going to make Jerusalem a cup that causes reeling to all the peoples around; and when the siege is against Jerusalem, it will also be against Judah. It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a heavy stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the nations of the earth will be gathered against it” (Zechariah 12:1-3)

Wokeism in the United States

There has been a notable increase in animosity, hatred, and anti-Semitic rhetoric and violence towards Israel across America, particularly on college campuses. This surge has been observed at various institutions, including Columbia University in New York, Ivy League schools such as Harvard and Yale, the University of Southern California, and George Washington University in the capital, where the statue of George Washington was adorned with a Palestinian flag.


What were the universities responses, nothing, except hatred for the Jews, hatred of American Democracy, and support for the terrorist group Hamas.


They condoned all over the nation a wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic rage in these universities as the protesters chanted slogans of hate.

Slogans and Hate Banners from the Tolerant Youth in America

  • Zionists Have Entered the Camp; We Don't Want No Zionist.” A Zionist is a person who is in favor of the return of the Jewish people to Israel, and that Israel has the right to exist as a people and a nation. The leader of the anti-Israel demonstrations at Colombia said, “Zionists do not deserve to live and if I could kill them, I would”. The faculty questioned him and asked, "What resources do you feel are available for you here at Colombia?"   It's like Adolf Hitler shows up on campus and says I want to kill all the Jews and the faculty asks him, Adolf what resources do you feel are available for you here at Columbia. Well, I'd like some gas Chambers, some Zyon tablets, and some cyanide gas so that I can exterminate all the Jews. How can this happen in the USA. The answer in one word is Wokeism.

  • "End the Genocide in Gaza"

  • From the River to the Sea, Palestine will be free” which means from the river Jordon to the Mediterranean Sea, which is the nation of Israel, this means they want every Jewish person in Israel to be eliminated from the land or dead. Do they really want to kill an entire nation, wouldn't that be what they're against-genocide.

  • We Are Hamas.” At Yale University students attacked Jewish students in one campus as they shouted, “Long Live Hamas, Death to the Jews.” Hamas is an Arabic acronym about Islamic resistance, but the amazing thing is it's also a Hebrew word (châmâç, khaw-mawce'). Hamas means in Hebrew evil, violence, injustice, cruelty, oppressor, unrighteous, and destruction. So, when they chant on American campuses "We Are Hamas" in Hebrew they are chanting "we are violence", "we are destruction", "we are unrighteous," and "we are evil" etc. The chanters are either stupid, deceived, or evil.

  •  At the University of Southern California, the protesters found Jewish students wearing Jewish symbols and ripped them off.

  • On a Palestinian flag are with the words “The Final Solution” which refers to Hitler's final solution of annihilating the Jews and the Holocaust. This is reminiscent of what happened in Germany. Much of Hitler's support came from the young. The college campuses were filled with anti-Semitism and now for the first time since Hitler it's happening in the West on American campuses.

  • "Free Gaza" Many believe Gaza needs to be free from Hamas who regularly uses humanitarian aid for their own selfish gain. Millions of dollars have been given, from all over the world, for the people but usually ends up buying weapons of war, building tunnels for war, and opulent lifestyles for the Hamas leaders. The reason for this is to annihilate the Jews. Isn't that a great reason to steal from your own people.

  • Make Us Proud, Kill Another Soldier Now” This slogan makes me think of Muslim Jihad. Islam’s holy book (the Koran) provides specific injunctions to engage in acts of violence as part of the “holy war”. The word jihad means “striving” or “struggle.” The Koran commands Muslims to engage in offensive physical violence or warfare against non-Muslims called infidels. They think Jews and Christians are infidels.

  • "By Any Means Necessary" This is certainly a wokeism concept where the end justifies the means. Hamas soldiers are known for using innocent civilians as shields, even children, shooting missiles off hospital roofs, and putting headquarters under civilian structures.

Whatever It Takes to Kill a Jew! It's in the Hamas Charter!!

  • A protester shouted "never forget the 7th of October, it will happen 10,000 more times every day” while talking to Jewish students. Sounds like a threat from one student to another Jewish student.

There is No Colonial Oppression, Israeli Apartheid or Occupation

  • Three (3) Major Lies of Satan that the Wokeism of tolerance and equity is disseminated by college faculty and liberal professors teach to its gullible or brainwashed students. By definition there is no colonial oppression, no apartheid, and no Israeli occupation. Let's take a closer look at the latter.

End Colonial Oppression

Israel = Apartheid

Gaza and Palestine 75 Years of Occupation

In the aftermath of World War 1, the victorious Allied Powers occupied and partitioned the Ottoman Empire, which lost its southern territories to the United Kingdom and France. Jewish Palestine was formed. The successful Turkish War of Independence, led to the emergence of the Republic of Turkey in 1922, formally ending the Ottoman Empire.

The Promise from God

According to the Bible, God bestowed the land upon the descendants of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob over 3,500 years ago,

"On that day the Lord made a covenant with Abram, saying, “To your descendants I have given this land, From the river of Egypt as far as the great river, the river Euphrates: the Kenite and the Kenizzite and the Kadmonite and the Hittite and the Perizzite and the Rephaim and the Amorite and the Canaanite and the Girgashite and the Jebusite” (Genesis 15:18-21).

The Jewish people inhabited it for more than 1,500 years. They were expelled by the Assyrians and later the Romans, with the final expulsion occurring in 70 A.D.

In those days the house of Judah will walk with the house of Israel, and they will together from the land of the north to the land that I gave your fathers as an inheritance” (Jeremiah 3:18).  

This is a map of Israel in the land and how it was divided by the 12 Jewish tribes according to the sons of Jacob. This was supposed to be the boundaries of the conquered inhabitants when the Israelites entered the Promise Land. Israel had to wonder in the desert for 40 years because of their unbelief. They continue in unbelief even to this day in their Messiah, Jesus Christ.

Subsequently, the land remained largely uninhabited for around 2,000 years. The sparse Arab population during this period identified more with Syrian nationality due to the predominance of absentee Syrian landowners. Throughout this era, the region did not form an independent state with Jerusalem as its capital, nor was there a distinct Palestinian state, government, language, or culture.

In 1867 Mark Twain visited the Holy Land of Israel and wrote about the Jewish people, "All things are mortal but the Jew; all other forces pass, but he remains" However, Twain also described Israel as a “…desolate country whose soil is rich enough, but is given over wholly to weeds—a silent mournful expanse… We never saw a human being on the whole route… There was hardly a tree or a shrub anywhere" 

Historic Truths About Two-State Solution

In 1917 the British signed the Balfour Declaration, which stated that "His Majesty's Government views with favor the establishment of a national home for the Jewish people ... in Palestine." Balfour was an anti-semitic who didn't want the Jews mixing with Bristish society.

In 1920 there was a British mandate for Palestine showing the boundaries of the land in which the Jewish National Home was to be reconstituted.

In 1921 Palestine was split once again and two-thirds was given to the Arabs. This created a League of Nations Mandate called the Transjordan (known today as the State of Jordon.

This left Israel with a tiny strip of land. The borders of Jewish Palestine were the area between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea and was finally determined by the League of Nation in September of 1922. The Arab nations wanted all the land, so they attacked the Jewish people.

A further split of the land came in 1937 from the Peel Commission. They split the land into 3 parts. They offered 80% of the land to the Arabs (pink portion on the map). The British would keep the Tela Vivi and Jerusalem the green area. The orange area would be retained by the Jews. The Jews felt betrayed but did agree. The Arabs said no, we want it all. They refused to agree that Israel had a right to be a Nation.

Ten years later in 1947 the United Nations decided to divide the land into 2 parts. This would be a two-state solution, the green would be an Arab state and the yellow would be a Jewish state. The Jews accepted, but the Arabs said no, we want it all. In May of 1948 the Jews declared and established the Nation of Israel. On that very same day the Palestinians could have had their state, but the Arabs said NO and decided to attack Israel and try to destroy it rather than to accept it as a Nation.

In 1967, following the Six Day War, the Jews offered the Arabs the West Bank and Gaza. This would have created a second Palestinian state. The Arabs said NO. I'd remind you that the Nation Israel won this war.

More recently, in 2000, Ehud Barak offer Yassir Arafat 94% of what the Arabs were requesting. For the fourth time the Arabs said NO.

Also, in 2008, Ehud Olmert offered Mahmoud Abbas 98% of what they were requesting. Why? Because every offer to establish a Palestinian State came with one requirement, "You Must Recognize the State of Israel." Five (5) times the Arabs have said No! They don't want a two-state solution they want to annihilate every Jew.

In the Hamas' charter it says, "assault and kill," "assault and kill," "assault and kill," three times. The word jihad means “striving” or “struggle.” The most well-known form of jihad is that which involves physical violence or warfare in the cause of Islam. Allah commands Muslims to engage in offensive physical warfare against non-Muslims called infidels. Therefore, Jihad is, to the Muslims, an ongoing Holy War. That is why have not and will not ever agree to a two-state solution.

Therefore, is no Israeli occupation of Gaza. Every Jew was cast out of Gaza in 2005 when Hamas took complete control. In fact, Jews cannot live in any Arab Nation unless they convert to Islam. There has been Oppression, Apartheid, Occupation and Genocide but throughout history it's always been against the Jewish people and the Nation of Israel.

Woke Universities are Bankrupt Hateful Hypocrites

The Universities are totally bankrupt with their “wokeism” of diverse inclusion, tolerance, social justice, and equity. They'll talk about microaggressions where someone is offended. If you do anything say anything that could offend somebody's sensibility in any way, if you use the wrong terminology, the wrong pronoun, if it offends wokeism that's a big crime. But if you're a Jew or an Israeli it's okay to call for your death or celebrate murder, rape, torture, and mutilation of innocent Israeli fathers, mothers, and children.


  • Do you know what all the woke and left-wing activists said in the wake of Hamas's Slaughter of innocent Israeli families? Nothing!


  • Do you know what all the woke left-wing radical feminist Women's Rights groups said about the brutal sexual abuse, rape, and murder of Israeli women? NOTHING!


  • Do you know what all the woke left wing children's rights organizations said about all the Israeli children who were tortured, murdered, beheaded, and burned? NOTHING!

  • Do you know what all the woke left-wing faculties, professors, young people, said when Hamas slaughtered all those young people at that concert? NOTHING! Did they demonstrate about it? No! Do they show their support no? Do they even mention it no instead they shouted their support for Hamas the murderers who did it!

  • Do you know what the United Nations said in view of the atrocities? Virtually NOTHING! These groups could hardly find a word of criticism for Hamas until they were forced to. But they jumped at condemning Israel!

This has exposed the utter bankruptcy of wokeism, the utter immorality of it. So

much for safe spaces, microaggressions for sensitivity, and inclusivity. Leave it to the issue of Israel and the Jew to expose the golden idol that's been erected for this generation. Wokeism rails against what they call White colonialism or privilege which is a rebranded form of Marxist ideology. They have refused God, especially Jesus, and champion just the opposite of God's moral law and their own God given consciousness. Wokeism promotes, sexual deviancy, murder of innocent children, mutilation of children's genitals, destroying the institute of marriage, practicing idol worship, and power-hungry liars, and self-absorbed greedy Politian's. They believe in science when it suits them and ignore it when it proves them wrong. Hypocrites and false teachers.

The Bible says woe to you who call evil good and good evil. substitute darkness for light and light for darkness and deny the truth.

"Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who substitute darkness for light and light for darkness; Who substitute bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!" (Isaiah 5:20).

It's not just that the colleges have allowed this anti-gospel of wokeness. This is what woke professors are teaching the students, that:

  1. Western Civilization is evil,

  2. Christianity is evil,

  3. America is evil,

  4. Men are evil,

  5. Belief in male and female genders as the only God-given reality is evil.

  6. God doesn't exist.

  7. The Bible is evil.

 The fact is that "wokeism" is evil and a doctrine of demons. It is the Idol of the "there is no God" ideology. The truth doesn't matter, only power.


So here in the halls of wokeism they deify victimhood, they say that they are for the victim and whom do they choose to attack? The Jew. The greatest victim, the greatest oppressed, persecuted, slaughtered people in the history of this planet. They picked the one nation of all Nations that came into existence for the purpose of protecting its people from Annihilation. That rose up out of the ashes of the Holocaust. Those are the Geniuses of wokeness that rejoice over the tragedy where Israeli villagers and young people and families were killed. The Gaza Strip and the West Bank was filled with celebrations over their murders. The tragedy is that the majority of people in Gaza approved of what Hamas did to the Israeli families and after all this they were still in favor of Hamas ruling.

According to Johnathan Cahn, "There's a word that sums up many at these universities. It's the word sophomore it speaks of a second-year college student. It comes from the Greek "Sophos" which means wise and "Moros" which means fool. So, it means a wise fool. Somebody who thinks that they're wise but they're a fool."

The Bible verse in question, found in the book of Romans, states, "Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools." This passage highlights the outcome for those who forsake the knowledge of God, as they are deemed fools.

"For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness, because that which is known about God is evident within them; for God made it evident to them. For since the creation of the world His invisible attributes, His eternal power and divine nature, have been clearly seen, being understood through what has been made, so that they are without excuse. For even though they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks, but they became futile in their speculations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing to be wise, they became fools" (Romans 1:18-22).

This is exactly what happens to every human who rejects God. The God of the Bible, the God of Abraham, Issac, Jacob. and Jesus Christ.

Professing to be WISE Thay Became FOOLS

Hamas Attacking Israel and Destroying Gaza

The end of the Byzantine Empire came in1453, when the Ottoman Sultan Mehmed II conquered Constantinople. The Ottoman Empire, historically known as the Turkish Empire, was an imperial realm that spanned much of Southeast Europe, West Asia, and North Africa from the 14th to early 20th centuries; it also controlled parts of southeastern Central Europe between the early 16th and early 18th centuries.

In 1913 a one-party regime was established. It allied the empire with Germany, it thus joined World War 1 on the side of the Central Powers. While holding its own during the conflict, it struggled with internal dissent, especially the Arab Revolt. During this period, the Ottoman government engaged in genocide against the Armenians, Assyrians, and Greeks.

In the aftermath of World War 1, the victorious Allied Powers occupied and partitioned the Ottoman Empire, which lost its southern territories to the United Kingdom and France. The successful Turkish War of Independence, led to the emergence of the Republic of Turkey in 1922, formally ending the Ottoman Empire.

Animosity between Islam and the Jews was apparent in the 16th century. The Eastern Gate of Jerusalem was sealed shut in AD 1540–41 by order of Suleiman the Magnificent, a sultan of the Ottoman Empire. The reason for the closing of the Eastern Gate was to prevent the Jewish Messiah from gaining entrance to Jerusalem. Jewish tradition states that the Messiah will pass through the Eastern Gate when He comes to rule. The Muslim Suleiman was attempting to thwart the Messiah’s plans with sixteen feet of cement. The Eastern Gate has remained sealed for nearly the past 500 years. More importantly, it' sad to see that the Muslims and Jews have both rejected Jesus Christ as the only Lord and Savior.


The Musim Hitler Connection

Muhammad Amin Al Husseini was born at the end of the 19th century in Ottoman-controlled Jerusalem. In the First World War, he fought in the Ottoman Army. After the war, he returned to Jerusalem and focused on derailing all movements towards the birth of a Jewish nation. His inflammatory speeches incited violent Arab riots leaving several Jewish people dead 1921. He assumed the title of Grand Mufti Jerusalem. In the years that followed he would play a central part in instigating violent Arab uprisings and murder against the Jews.

Mufti was a fan of Adolf Hitler and expressed support for the new government. He said that the Palestinian Muslims were enthusiastic supporters of the Nazi regime. He looked forward to the spread of fascism, especially the Nazis' anti-Jewish campaigns. In November of 1941, the Mufti obtained a meeting with Adolf Hitler in Berlin.


He told Hitler that the Arabs were his natural allies as they had the same enemies most specifically genocide of Jews. They agreed the Holocaust was to be taken to the land of Israel in July 1942. He visited a Nazi concentration camp, and he was impressed by what he saw throughout the Holocaust. Mufti worked to block the roots of Jewish people trying to escape the Holocaust. He was personally responsible for preventing the escape of 500 Jewish children consigning them to their deaths in Nazi concentration camps. He would be accused of condemning 400,000 Jewish people to extermination during the war.

The Mufti worked for the Third Reich broadcasting Nazi propaganda throughout the Arab world. The Nazis in turn distributed his writings, including a pamphlet calling for the "Destruction of the Jewish People." He worked with Hinrich Himler the overseer of the Holocaust to organize Muslim SS killing squads. He publicly exhorted the Muslim world to follow the example of the Nazis in a definitive solution to the quote “Jewish Problem”.

Father of Palestinian Nationalism


The Mufti broadcast from Radio Berlin said, "Arabs kill the Jews wherever you find them." After the war he was identified as a war criminal, again, escaped and fled to Egypt where he was welcomed as a hero. During his time with the Nazis his popularity among the Arabs only increased. He resumed his leadership in the Arab world and worked with the Muslim Brotherhood.

When Israel was about to be reborn in 1948 the Mufti fought to destroy it. Through the Mufti the Demonic anti-Semitism of Naism merged with Arab nationalism and radical Islamic ideology. The Demonic Nazi hatred of the Jews spread throughout the radical Arabic and Islamic World. He was not just a major leader in the Arab world he was the leader of the Palestinian world and has been called the father of Palestinian nationalism. Therefore, he was Central in birthing the Palestinian movement against Israel. One prominent Muslim leader at the time said

"Germany and Hitler are gone but Al Husseini the Mufti will continue the struggle."

Secular Nazism and radical religious Islam were joined together by the same overriding goal, the destruction and genocide of the Jewish people. The Father of Palestinian nationalism movement was an agent of Nazism, he was an actual paid employee working for Adolf Hitler.

In 1946 the year after the holocaust's end the Mufti flees to Egypt and met and recruits an Arab teenager in Cairo. The youth become his disciple, his name Yaser Arafat. Arafat is the most famous leader of the Palestinian agenda of terrorism. The Mufti indoctrinated him and his associates into his hatred of the Jewish people and his ideology of exterminating them.


The Mufti covertly introduced a former Nazi Commando to Egypt, where he instructed Arafat and his associates in launching assaults against Jewish individuals in Israel, conducting guerrilla warfare, and employing tactics reminiscent of the Nazi regime's methods.

Muslim Brotherhood and Hitler

Hassan al-Banna, born in 1906 near Cairo, was an elementary school teacher who lamented the decline of Islamic beliefs in Egyptian culture. Advocating a return to the Quran, he established the Muslim Brotherhood in March 1928, an organization committed to Islam and Jihad against the foes of the Muslim faith. A decade later, the Brotherhood expanded to every Egyptian province, and another decade saw its membership reach half a million. Al-Banna was an ardent admirer of Adolf Hitler, particularly for his hatred towards the Jews.


The Brotherhood would translate Hitler's autobiography and rantings against the Jewish people into Arabic. It became one of the bestselling books in the Arab world. They took the fighting against the Jewish people into the Middle East. In 1938 it led demonstrations against the Jews of Egypt. The next year it bombed a synagogue and Cairo. They were doing what the Nazis were doing in Germany. They ransacked Jewish homes, burned synagogues to the ground. In the 1930s Hitler actually financed the Muslim Brotherhood. Brotherhood members in turn functioned as Middle Eastern agents.

Now Albana was not only an admirer of Hitler he was an admirer of the Mufti. The two became partners in their war against the Jews through the Muslim Brotherhood and the Nazi anti-Semitism spread through the Arab world. It became a central pillar of radical Islamic thought and ideology accordingly. Jews were now to be viewed as Evil.

By nature, they were now depicted as the incarnation of evil and their very existence constituted an existential threat to world domination. The Muslim Brotherhood could not negotiate with them, they couldn't live with them, or make peace with them, the only thing they could do was destroy them, and exterminate them. So, behind the radical Islamic ideology the radical Islamic preaching was the voice of Hitler. The Mufti became the brotherhood's representative in the land of Israel and central in bringing the Brotherhood into Israel.

When Israel was reborn in 1948 the troops of the Muslim Brotherhood entered the land to destroy the Jewish Nation. So did the Mufti and his young disciple Yaser Arafat. The Mufti's prime headquarters in Israel was the city of Gaza and through him the Muslim Brotherhood had an effect.

Hitler --> Mufti --> Palestinian Nationalism --> Muslim Brotherhood --> Hamas

There the Brotherhood would give birth to a child. The child would be born in Gaza. It would be called the “Islamic Resistance Movement’ or in Arabic “Harakat Al Muka Alamia.” The name was shortened into an acronym, the brotherhood's child was named Hamas. This is the origin of Hamas. Hamas was born in Gaza on December 10th, 1987. Why did it come into existence? It's all there in its founding Charter. The original Charter of Hamas, established in 1988, declared the intent to destroy, annihilate Israel.

This is what they're hailing as Heroes on American campuses, and they'll say it's not anti-Semitism. The charter of Hamas goes on to say that our struggle against the Jews is extremely wide-ranging and grave (Hitlers exact words). Article 22 of Hamas's Charter could have been written by Hitler.

Hamas's Charter makes it clear they will never make any peace with the Jewish people even in the next life. They say to the Jewish people of Israel

"you shall be overcome and thrown together into hell."

This is the only way to liberate Palestine. This is what they're hailing on American campuses chanting we are Hamas. The charter says I will assault and kill, assault and kill, assault and kill, three times. I will assault and kill sounds like the Mantra of somebody who is Satanically possessed. and with good reason without Hitler that Charter could never be written. They are both part of the same evil the hatred of the Jewish people and is Central to their worldview. You can't negotiate with it because it's the foundation of their existence to annihilate Israel and the Jewish people. You can't negotiate with it anymore than you can negotiate with a demonic Spirit. which is basically what you're dealing with and they chant in the universities

Hamas is an Arabic acronym about Islamic resistance, but the amazing thing is it's also a Hebrew word (châmâç, khaw-mawce'). It's a Hebrew word that actually appears three times in the Bible. The Bible actually says about Hamas is in the Psalms and Ezekiel.

“Deliver Me O Lord from evil men, preserve me from Men of Hamas"
“Hamas has risen up into a rod of wickedness and this also for the land is filled with crimes of blood and the city is full of Hamas."
“Put away Hamas" or it can be translated "put an end to Hamas”.

Muslim Jihad

Islam’s holy book (the Koran) provides specific injunctions to engage in acts of violence as part of the “holy war” (jihad) in the cause of their religion.

The word jihad means “striving” or “struggle.” The most well-known form of jihad is that which involves physical violence or warfare in the cause of Islam. The Koran contains other verses that appear to command Muslims to engage in offensive physical warfare against non-Muslims called infidels.

“But when the forbidden months are past, then fight and slay the pagans wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem [of war]; but if they repent, and establish regular prayers and practice regular charity, then open the way for them: for God is Oft-forgiving, Most Merciful” (Sura 9:5).
Fight those who believe not in God nor the Last Day, nor hold that forbidden which hath been forbidden by God and His Apostle, nor acknowledge the religion of Truth, [even if they are] of the People of the Book [Christians and Jews], until they pay the jizya [tribute] with willing submission, and feel themselves subdued” (Sura 9:29).

In addition to the teachings of the Koran, Muslims also follow the Hadith, a supposedly inspired record of Muhammad’s words and actions. The Hadith explains how Muhammad instructed his commander when sent out on an expedition,

“When you meet your enemies who are polytheists, invite them to three courses of action. If they respond to any one of these, you also accept it and withhold yourself from doing them any harm. Invite them to [accept] Islam; if they respond to you, accept it from them and desist from fighting against them. . . . If they refuse to accept Islam, demand from them the jizya. If they agree to pay, accept it from them and hold off your hands. If they refuse to pay the tax, seek Allah’s help and fight them” (Sahih Muslim, Book 19, Number 4294).


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We All Have the Same Dilemma, We're Dead in Sin

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